Four different Doctor Who Podcasts from award winning comedian Toby Hadoke, whose Edinburgh show Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf became a West End hit, toured the world, and became a Sony nominated BBC Radio series. The podcasts are: ”Season One” : Happy Times and Places - episode commentaries (a video version is also available on You Tube). Released twice weekly. ”Season 2” : Too Much Information - an episode-by-episode examination of the making of the series. Released once a month. ”Season 3” : Indefinable Magic - whimsical essays inspired by the show. Released at least once a month. BONUS ”Season 4” : (Far) Too Much Information - a spin-off from Too Much Information containing all the stuff deemed too geeky for the above... (initially available to Patrons only but there is an example on here). Please see www.patreon.com/tobyhadoke for early and bonus releases Please join the mailing list at www.tobyhadoke.com Please subscribe to Toby Hadoke’s You Tube channel.

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Happy Times and Places 1.2 - The Sontaran Experiment 1
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Happy Times and Places is an attempt to combat Covid with a bit of cheerful Doctor Who love. Comedian and Doctor Who fan Toby Hadoke has asked a friend to nominate a story and to choose their favourite things about it. Toby then has to watch and see if he can guess what it is they love about it, and to choose his own favourite things too. (Since the initial upload there has been a minor re-edit to this episode to remove a couple of minor technical glitches).
Presented by - Toby Hadoke
Special Guest - Tom Burgess
This week's episode - The Sontaran Experiment 1

Friday Nov 27, 2020
Happy Times and Places 2.2 - The Sontaran Experiment 2
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Happy Times and Places is an attempt to combat Covid with a bit of cheerful Doctor Who love. Comedian and Doctor Who fan Toby Hadoke has asked a friend to nominate a story and to choose their favourite things about it. Toby then has to watch and see if he can guess what it is they love about it, and to choose his own favourite things too.
Presented by - Toby Hadoke
Special Guest - Tom Burgess
This week's episode - The Sontaran Experiment 2

Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Happy Times and Places 3.0 - Turn Left
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Happy Times and Places is a podcast which seeks to identify the positives - the best things, the most loved aspects, the finest hat - of a Doctor Who story as nominated by a special guest of your host, comedian Toby Hadoke. So get the episode into your disc drive and settle down - but not too far ... because there's something on your back...
Presented by Toby Hadoke
Special Guest Johnny Candon
This Episode - Turn Left

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Happy Times and Places Omnibus - Day of The Daleks
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
An omnibus edition of Happy Times and Places with all four episodes of Toby Hadoke's Day of The Daleks commentary strung together for your listening convenience. A bit like the old days of BBC video, so there and no episode endings and there might even be a spelling mistake in the credits.
Presented by Toby Hadoke
Special Guest - Chris Boyle
Featured story - Day of the Daleks 1-4

Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Happy Times and Places 4.1 - Time-Flight 1
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Happy Times and Places finds comedian Toby Hadoke watching Doctor Who stories nominated by creative friends of his in order to celebrate the best of the long running series, no matter which story it is. So hop on board Concorde and travel from gorgeous film to unforgiving video tape within a split second and see what Toby can find to eulogise about one of Doctor Who's least celebrated stories.
Presented by Toby Hadoke
Special Guest John Cooper
This Episode - Time-Flight 1

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Indefinable Magic 1.2 - Seeing in the Dark
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Indefinable Magic is a series of whimsical and sometimes certifiably arcane ramblings about some aspect of Doctor Who - sometimes a personal reminiscence; sometimes a jokey thought; and sometimes an unnecessarily obsessive delve: but always done with a lightness of touch and devotion to the subject. This time, it's carrots. Yep, you read that right, the history of carrots in Doctor Who (I direct my learned colleague to the word "arcane" above).

Friday Dec 11, 2020
Happy Times and Places 4.2 - Time-Flight 2
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Comedian and illustrator John Cooper has chosen one of his favourite stories, Time-Flight, for Toby Hadoke to celebrate, partly because your host once told John that it was rubbish. Toby has to eat his words whilst feasting on the return of Adric, an inexplicable disguise, and the happiest pilots in the world - in order to to choose the best things from the universe of Doctor Who.
Presented by - Toby Hadoke
Special Guest - John Cooper
This Episode - Time-Flight 2

Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Happy Times and Places 4.3 - Time-Flight 3
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Toby Hadoke has set himself a task to try to be upbeat during lockdown - the world is divided, social media is toxic, and pestilence reigns. But hey-ho, it should be easy enough to find something joyous to say about a Doctor Who should it? And so he asked his friend, comedian and illustrator John Cooper, to nominate one for Toby to wax positive about. John chose Time-Flight. Oh.

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Happy Times and Places 4.4 - Time-Flight 4
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Doctor Who fans like nothing more than talking about how rubbish Doctor Who is, so comedian Toby Hadoke has decided to buck the trend by doing a podcast which only concentrates on the things he likes about the show. He has to guess what his special guest's favourite things are about a story that they have nominated. And some stories are easier than others...
Presented by - Toby Hadoke
Special guest - John Cooper
This Episode - Time-Flight 4

Friday Dec 18, 2020
Happy Times and Places Omnibus - The Sontaran Experiment
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Omnibus edition fo the previously released commentary of The Sontaran Experiment, to save you having to download the individual episodes one at a time. Special Guest - character comedian Tom Burgess.